Why choose Tindeco Investment Manager?

Workflow Automation
Tindeco Investment Manager interprets strategies developed in the Studio, allowing you to customize the implementation process to align with your preferred workflows, while maximizing automation for optimal efficiency.

Featuring plug-in architecture and advanced integration capabilities, it supports real-time data exchange and automated workflows via messaging, queuing, and event handling. Seamlessly integrates with multilateral trading venues using FIX protocol, as well as existing OMS or core banking systems.

Tindeco utilizes scalable cloud-based technology that provides you with on-demand computing power.

Distinguishes itself via flexibility, speed and integration
Portfolio Management
Manage and analyze all of your key investment data in one system and automate the exchange of data throughout your system landscape
Provides comprehensive analytics with flexible multi-level asset classification. Delivers exposure, performance contribution, and attribution metrics on an absolute or relative basis for any asset or group, across any time period
Investment Management
Efficiently manage multiple customized portfolios tailored to your specific investment process
Ensure investment and risk compliance with out-of-the-box rule sets, flexible rules engine and coded compliance rules framework
Create customized client reports with comprehensive and flexible analytics
Utilize a range of tools to automate workflows across the system for maximum efficiency, including mass portfolio rebalancing

A comprehensive, open and flexible solution
Risk Management
Calculate all necessary risk metrics across investment management, risk management, compliance, and controlling
Get complete flexibility to choose how you model the risks in your portfolios
Leverage a high degree of automation to streamline your risk management processes
Use custom risk factors and valuation models to handle specialized needs
Fully integrated with Portfolio Management and Order Management enabling pre-trade compliance and ongoing limit monitoring

delivers functionality for managing order workflows and connecting to execution platforms
Order Management
Access numerous brokers using the FIX protocol for order communication, with built-in connectivity to marketplaces like Bloomberg EMSX, TSOX, FX GO, Interactive Brokers, MarketAxess, and direct integration with your bank’s dealing desk
Efficiently handle orders from thousands of portfolios with order aggregation and allocation functionalities
The modular workflow design allows for custom trading workflows based on instrument type, asset class, liquidity tier, user group, regulatory requirements, and more
Receive execution reports and send regulatory reports directly to platforms like Bloomberg R-Hub

focused on the regulatory aspects of Client Relationship Management
Client Relationship Management
Manage key client data required to fulfill regulatory obligations such as KYC, AML, FATCA, MiFID I, MiFID2 and FIDLEG / FINIG
Design custom onboarding questionnaires that help you map clients to suitable investment profiles
Integrate third-party data sources to ensure cross-border product and service suitability, PEP status, and more
Record client contacts and document advice given
Create alerts when breaches occur and get prompts to review or update client information before expiration
Family Structure
Graphically manage complex family relationships (including trusts, powers of attorney, settlors, etc) to automatically construct portfolio hierarchies

Use the Tindeco Investment Studio to create strategies in minutes using no-code technology, then implement them seamlessly in the Tindeco Investment Manager.

What fees does Tindeco Charge?
Tindeco charges based upon the assets being managed using strategies developed in the Studio and / or offered in the Marketplace. Fees vary with the complexity of the strategy as well as the partner content which is utilized, with minimum fees applicable.
Do I need a specific portfolio management system?
A specific portfolio management system (PMS) is not required. Tindeco is compatible with a wide range of third-party portfolio and order management systems. Our advanced integration capabilities allow seamless integration with the systems you currently use.
How can my end clients influence what is in their portfolios?
You decide what degree of customization to offer your clients. In our experience, private clients tend to have relatively simple desires related to inclusion / exclusion criteria, risk tolerances (capital preservation and drawdown targets) and their ethical beliefs. Institutional clients are more likely to have custom requirements based on tracking error, risk allocations and turnover. Tindeco enables you to offer precisely the degree of customization that you target for each of your clients.
How long does it take to get started?
It’s easy to get started with Tindeco. Our systems have advanced data exchange capabilities and are integrated with a wide variety of PMS, OMS and brokerage platforms.